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The Ego
I am struggling with jealousy.
Releasing the Burden
Our Invisible Essence
What can I do about complaining?
Is forgiveness necessary to evolve?
Overcoming Mental Noise
A New Relationship with Time
From Turmoil to Presence
Is awareness like a trance state?
Lucid Living
I find my pain-body so challenging.
Daily Practices for Staying Awake
Is my athletic drive unhealthy?
That Which Pervades the Universe
Cessation of Thought
At Home in the Now
Is pain the only portal?
What are your ideas on free will?
The Great Possibility
The Interplay of Form and Formlessness
How do we reach world leaders?
The Fundamental Misconception
How do languages help us awaken?
Once you let go, how do you manage?
How can I deal with old pain?
The Obstacle Called Time
Paradise Regained
How do I drop the story?
Why should the human race survive?
The Seed of Awakening
How do I harness fear?
How do I process my anger?
Wisdom over Intelligence
How do we teach our teens Presence?
Accepting the Ups and Downs
Accelerating Your Awakening
The Beginning of Zen
When the Pain-Body Arises
Your Most Vital Task
An Experiment in Stillness
Increasing Presence in Daily Life
I am challenged by rumination
Healing Racism
How can we teach?
Are there times to say “no”?
The Personality Paradox
How do you regain awareness when it is lost?
Finding Time Alone
Healing the Mental Pandemic
Focus on the Space
Can emotion arise without thought?
What is the point?
I want to be awake, not a disciple.
A Guided Inner-Body Meditation
Comedy, Tragedy, and the “Deep I”
How do I know what to do with life?
Is the energy I am feeling OK?
How do I stay present if I am bored?
Suffering and Selfhood
Victimhood and Identity
What can I do about negative thoughts and feelings about my body?
Stepping Stones to Awareness
Should children have access to cell phones and tablets?
I have noticed that touching into fearful thoughts trigger pain.
An Awakening Universe
Dropping the Narrative
How do I balance Presence and plans?
How do I know when I need to act?
The Surface and the Depths
I sense stillness within but cannot combine it with looking out
You Are More Than Your Problems
Awakening the Essence Identity
Does adversity strengthen or weaken the ego?
Clearing the “Excess Baggage” of Unhappiness
How can I be present when my kids test me?
Freeing Ourselves from the “Fictitious Self”
How “Not Knowing” Sparks Insight
How do I let go of the past?
Finding Fulfillment in the Gaps
Can the gaze of a teacher transform your whole life instantly?
Ensuring a conscious education for our children
Befriending Fear and Uncertainty
When was the last time you went unconscious?
Can you manifest from a state of ego?
I have a hard time resting after releasing a lot of energy.
My ego has increased from studying your work.
Is there a neutral ego state?
The Greatest Liberation
Conceptual and Non-Conceptual Knowledge
The Illusion of Identity
Freedom from the False Self
What is the purpose of ego?
I’m aware of fear that is almost continually in me.
Transcending Our Stories
An Antidote to Reactivity
I feel like I’m always thinking, never really here.
Awakening from Self-Talk
What is the force behind self-defeating behaviors?
I have always felt like most people hate me
Dealing with Unconsciousness
I tend to become self-righteous and pompous
How do I tame negative thinking?
I feel like I’m leaving an old life behind
What’s the best course of action when disrespected?
How does an enlightened one find motive to change?
At what point is ego distinct from individuality?
Self Talk: How we distract ourselves from Presence
Letting Go of Thinking: A Meditation
Why does ego put up such a fight?
Please comment on allowing and negativity
I fear my life will fall apart without thinking
How do I deal with impatience with myself?
Do we have a shadow? What is yours, Eckhart?
Do we absorb negativity by practicing acceptance?
Why do you talk about ego as a “personalized entity”?
Did the universe make a mistake with the ego?
Is being glad of one’s accomplishments pride?
How do I know my inner voice is from Being, not ego?
How can I help a sibling struggling with paranoia?
Can we make friends with the ego?
If Humpty Dumpty breaks 90% of his egoic shell, would he then be 90% conscious?