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Community Forum
Community Calendar
My Products
My Playlist
Should we be selfish at times?
Releasing the Burden
Our Invisible Essence
Am I an empath?
Is forgiveness necessary to evolve?
Overcoming Mental Noise
Are any past actions unforgivable?
How does contemplating death help?
A New Relationship with Time
How do I visualize from Presence?
What can I do with my anxiety?
From Turmoil to Presence
Is awareness like a trance state?
Do you have any advice for mothers?
Lucid Living
I find my pain-body so challenging.
A Visualization for Relaxation
Daily Practices for Staying Awake
Alternate Nostril Breathing Practice
Is my athletic drive unhealthy?
What is the role of more awareness?
That Which Pervades the Universe
Have you been aware of spirits?
Counting the Breath
Can we do more than witness pain?
Cessation of Thought
How can I be more conscious?
What are your ideas on free will?
Awareness and Activity
The Fundamental Misconception
Meditating on the Life Force
What is the role of gender?
The Invincible Summer Within
Once you let go, how do you manage?
How can I deal with old pain?
The Obstacle Called Time
Can you help me understand illness?
Paradise Regained
How did you get through childhood?
What are your views on vipassana?
Any tips for when doubts arise?
Counting Meditation
The Seed of Awakening
Is talk therapy useful?
Body Scan and Meditation
The Obstacle Called Ego
How do I process my anger?
Do I need specificity to manifest?
The Realm of Inner Stillness
Wisdom over Intelligence
How do I manage old expectations?
Accepting the Ups and Downs
The Most Beautiful Potential
How do we stop leaning on others?
Are we identical at the “Deep I”?
Qi Meditation
The Space of What Arises
When the Pain-Body Arises
Your Most Vital Task
A Meditation on Awareness
I am challenged by rumination
A Guided Body Scan Practice
Beyond Identification
My mom is my biggest challenge
How can I stop self-sabotaging?
The Most Difficult Knowledge
When the Pain-Body Returns
The Personality Paradox
How do you regain awareness when it is lost?
Finding Time Alone
Focus on the Space
Can emotion arise without thought?
What is the point?
Part of me says this is not real.
I want to be awake, not a disciple.
A Guided Inner-Body Meditation
Comedy, Tragedy, and the “Deep I”
How do I know what to do with life?
Suffering and Selfhood
The Choice to Be Conscious
What can I do about negative thoughts and feelings about my body?
Stepping Stones to Awareness
Become a Better Nobody
An Awakening Universe
I’ve noticed that I’m slipping in and out of Presence.
Challenging Emotions
A Meditation on Letting Go
How do I allow Being to express?
From Familiarity to Wonder
How does moving in Presence help?
Relax and Breathe
Why is this process taking so long?
Body Scan Meditation
The Surface and the Depths
Form and Formlessness Awareness
I sense stillness within but cannot combine it with looking out
You Are More Than Your Problems
How can I be empathetic without taking on others’ emotions?
Awakening the Essence Identity
I can’t decide whether or not to have children.
Does adversity strengthen or weaken the ego?
Dropping into inner Stillness
Clearing the “Excess Baggage” of Unhappiness
Balancing the two dimensions of life
A Meditation on Oneness
Can we be present while thinking?
How “Not Knowing” Sparks Insight
Working with dreams
The Illusion of “Self-Esteem”
Meditation on the Space Within
Ensuring a conscious education for our children
Aligning your current career path with your deeper Self
Befriending Fear and Uncertainty
When was the last time you went unconscious?
If I appreciate something beautiful, is that my ego talking or essence?
Can you manifest from a state of ego?
I have a very hard time connecting to my body.
The Realization of Being
Practicing Presence when we are exhausted?
I fear pushing myself to the point of injury with exercise.
What if consciousness is already aware?
The Greatest Advice
Is there a difference between day and night awareness?
You Are the Universe
Awareness Meditation
A Special Teaching With Eckhart On Self-Awareness
Can you talk about awareness of awareness?
Finding Balance
The Light of Consciousness
Do you experience a consistent feeling to presence?
The Source of Satisfaction
Presence and Performance
Becoming Aware of Presence
Accessing the Nature of Consciousness
What is it in me that chooses ego or presence?
The Source of True Power
Why is awareness so painful?
In Touch with the Deeper Dimension
Spaciousness and Stuff
Does it require constant effort to remain present?
Transcendence Through Stillness
Should I try to extend presence as it arises?
Why did this “awareness” happen to you?
The Arising of Self-Awareness: A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle
Inviting Presence
Thank you for helping me to recognize awareness
Awareness is Challenging with others
Is heightened sense awareness the same as presence?
An Invitation into Presence
Becoming Aware of Yourself as Conscious Presence