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Are any past actions unforgivable?
From Turmoil to Presence
Lucid Living
I find my pain-body so challenging.
Is my resentment justified?
At Home in the Now
Is pain the only portal?
The Great Possibility
How do we reach world leaders?
The Fundamental Misconception
How can I deal with old pain?
How did you get through childhood?
Why should the human race survive?
How do I harness fear?
Accepting the Ups and Downs
How do we stop leaning on others?
How can I support my students?
The Space of What Arises
Your Most Vital Task
Increasing Presence in Daily Life
I am challenged by rumination
My mom is my biggest challenge
The Personality Paradox
Healing the Mental Pandemic
Comedy, Tragedy, and the “Deep I”
Is the energy I am feeling OK?
How do I stay present if I am bored?
Victimhood and Identity
Become a Better Nobody
Remain centered in Stillness surrounded by a busy city
I’ve noticed that I’m slipping in and out of Presence.
I struggle with shifts in my energy and emotions.
How do I know when I need to act?
How can I help other people?
My mind is keeping me from sleep
Can we heal the past?
Freedom from the Pain-Body
Is consciousness awakening at a rapid rate?
Transformation through Illness
Can we find stillness in the midst of prolonged pain?
Ending suffering: what are we responsible for?
Growth Through Challenge
Can you offer pointers on letting my dog go?
Letting Go
I need help with emotional trauma
Any advice when experiencing a “crisis of awakening”?
Should I see a doctor or accept what is?
Why does healing come and go?
Can you offer words of comfort after losing my dog?
I’m having difficulty coping with cancer
How do I stay present with constant tinnitus?
What do you recommend for healing trauma?
I’m in the grip of intense fear and anxiety
A meditation on loss and grief
How can I help a friend transcend illness?
Do we absorb negativity by practicing acceptance?
How do we remain present fighting serious illness?
Practicing Resisting Nothing
How can I help a sibling struggling with paranoia?
What’s your view on actors revisiting pain?
When is the practice of non-escape self-torture?
Can the teachings help someone with severe mental illness?